I am so excited to collaborate with you to create your own unique custom bracelet. In order to ensure you get the bracelet you desire, this will involve some honest dialogue between us. Keep in mind that each bracelet should be specific in its intention to maximize the power of the crystals. The more specific you can be, the more effective the bracelet will be as your personal tool for growth. Take a moment to check in with yourself and assess where you truly are in your life at this moment. Answer the questions from your heart – release any concept of what you should or shouldn’t choose. Always know I am here to help guide you in the process. The price of the bracelet will start at $35 + tax/shipping and be adjusted based on the type of crystals and charms selected. Each bracelet will be cleansed with sage and infused with Reiki energy for your intention prior to shipping. Have fun creating this beautiful bracelet uniquely designed for you to reinforce your strengths at this moment and empower you to move forward in your evolution.